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Labour Party Leader

Labour Party Leaders

Clement Attlee

Clement Attlee would become the first Labour leader to lead a majority government in 1945.

Neil Kinnock

The first to be born in Wales was Neil Kinnock who was.

Gordon Brown

Upon becoming leader of the Labour Party he tasked former Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown with recommending constitutional reforms.

Keir Starmer

In April 2020 Keir was elected as Leader of the Labour Party It is the honour and privilege of my life I will do my utmost to guide us through these difficult times.

Labour Party leader Keir Starmer arrives at a campaign event in Halesowen on June 13 after unveiling Labours manifesto in Manchester for.

Keir Starmer the leader of the Labour Party campaigning in Southampton England on Monday He has nursed his partys double-digit..
